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Transfer from one wallet to another within seconds.

Choose Trade BTC
  • Place an order for as little as 30 euros
  • Helpful instruction videos
  • Multilingual support by chat and phone
  • Low fees and discounts on large orders
  • Extensive knowledge

Our Services

Trade BTC is a crypto Exchange platform where you can exchange crypto to crypto, fiat to crypto and crypto to fiat. We provide a fast & secure, easy to use  platform. You as a registred and verified user you have Access to EURO deposit and multi crypto currency wallets. So just to resume: fast & secure platform, easy to use, multi crypto wallets, Euro wallet ( deposit euro and also sell crypto for euro and make SEPA and SWIFT Payments, Check unsupported country to send and receive payments), Cold Wallet. Buy Bitcoin and Ethereum fast, easy and 100% secure. You have full access and control to your crypto assests and money.

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Fast, Easy & Secure Platform for you Crypto!


Transfer from one wallet to another within seconds. Send and receive Bitcoins within seconds!


We have a dedicated support and proximity with our users. We promise you that you will never talk to a machine or bot and always behing each inquiry will be a persona support you and find solution as fast as possible.


Follow our Crypto Blog and there we publish news an interesting stuf about crypto industry, blockchain and Bitcoin.

Anchor the price

We offer you the posibility to closed a buy/sell price and later on send us the money or bitcoins.

Stable Digital Currencies Managed by you

Be in control of your crypto and money. Send bitcoins to friends, family or pay with bitcoin for goods and services in seconds.

About Us

We are a financial service that makes it fast, safe and fun to buy digital currency, anywhere in the world. We believe that the future of money is one where we, the people, are in control of our own economy.


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